新关注 > 信息聚合 > 螃蟹最便宜的1块钱一斤 七成商铺关门歇业

螃蟹最便宜的1块钱一斤 七成商铺关门歇业

Crab is cheapest 1 yuan a kilo Seventy percent shops shuttered

2016-02-17 09:38:31来源: 长江网

昨日,白沙洲大市场海鲜城内,卖螃蟹的刘先生垂着头,在阳光下午睡。几位批发商经过,他把店里最后一批小螃蟹,以每斤一块钱的价格出售了。 “一斤青菜可以买4斤螃蟹,时代变咯。”刘先生苦笑着说,去年,同...

Yesterday, pak sha chau seafood city, big market selling crabs liu hang down his head, sleep in the afternoon sun. Several wholesalers after, he the last batch of small crabs in the store, sold at the price of one dollar per kilogram. "A kilo vegetables can buy 4 jins crabs, times change." Mr Liu said with a wry smile, last year, with...