新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聂卫平:日本围棋落后因太安逸 应去农场锻炼

聂卫平:日本围棋落后因太安逸 应去农场锻炼

Nie: Japan go backward because too easy to Nie farm exercise

2015-07-06 21:28:27来源: 新浪

聂卫平侃侃而谈 新浪体育讯 7月6日晚,第二届Mlily梦百合杯世界围棋公开赛在北京康源瑞廷酒店开幕,棋界众多嘉宾齐聚一堂。开幕式由中国棋院围棋部部长王谊主持,并即兴采访了中日韩棋手代表。聂老感...

talking of sina sports news on the evening of July 6, the second session of the Mlily dream of Lily cup world go open at the opening of the Beijing cogent reting Hotel, chess and many other guests gathered in a hall. The opening ceremony was presided over by Chinese ki Weiqi minister Wang Yi, and the three players on behalf of the impromptu interview. Nie old sense...