新关注 > 信息聚合 > 辽宁削他!主场公交出租车LED标语助威(图)


Liaoning cut him! Home court bus taxi LED slogans cheer (map)

2015-03-10 19:52:04来源: 新浪

辽宁出租车也写标语为球队加油 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月10日,CBA总决赛首场比赛将在本溪市体育馆打响。整个本溪都被总决赛的氛围包裹着。而就在不远的省城沈阳,总决赛的氛围也已经弥漫开来。 从...

Liaoning taxi also write slogans cheering on the team of sina sports news Beijing standard time on March 10th, the CBA finals the first game will be started in the city of Benxi stadium. Benxi as a whole is the finals wrapped. And be in not far from the provincial capital Shenyang, the finals has spread from the. From the...