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The world's first 4GB mobile phone for incoming

2015-03-24 16:42:52来源: 天极网

还记得全球首款4GB内存手机华硕ZenFone 2吗?现在它在国内正式发布了,价格非常良心。 这次华硕在国内共推出了三款产品,均隶属于ZE551ML系列,分为低配版、中配版以及高频版。 首先...

remember the world's first 4GB mobile phone memory Asus ZenFone 2? It is now in the domestic release, the price is very conscience. The ASUS in China launched a total of three products, are affiliated with belong to the series of ZE551ML, divided into low coordination version, with version and frequency version. First of all...