新关注 > 信息聚合 > 单反+卡片机+iPad+手机 人大代表会拍照(组图)

单反+卡片机+iPad+手机 人大代表会拍照(组图)

SLR + card machine +iPad+ mobile phone deputies will take a picture (photo)

2015-01-24 09:45:20来源: 千龙

拍大点 照全点 高兴点 放松点 清楚点 每年人代会期间,许多代表都会拍下一些照片,或是合影,或是随拍,以此作为参会记忆。 在代表中,不乏带着专业的单反相机参会的摄影高手,但更...

take point according to the whole point of Gao Xingdian relax clear point every year during the NPC session, many representatives will take some photos, or photo, or with the shoot, as participants of memory. Among the deputies, many with professional SLR photography master participants, but more...