新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝申花900万欧年薪追波多尔斯基 巴神亦或加盟

曝申花900万欧年薪追波多尔斯基 巴神亦或加盟

Shenhua exposure 9 million euros a year after Podolsky Balotelli or join

2016-01-29 23:02:12来源: 网易

网易体育1月29日报道: 在引进国米中场瓜林后,上海申花继续紧追欧洲大牌球星。德国媒体《图片报》称有上海球队开出税后900万欧元年薪求购德国国脚波尔多斯基,这支球队很有可能是申花。 波多尔斯基来...

NetEase sports January 29th reported: in the introduction of inter midfielder guarin, Shanghai Shenhua continue to chase big players in europe. German media "Bild" said team in Shanghai to open a tax 900 million euros a year to buy German international Bordeaux, based, team is very likely is the Shenhua. Podolsky come...