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文明沙漠的生存法则 《重装机兵》评测

Issue of civilization desert survival principle "Zone Troopers" evaluation

2015-03-23 16:05:53来源: 4399

日本知名游戏发行商DATA EAST曾于1991年在FC平台上,发布了一款名为《重装机兵》的游戏,而就是这部作品,在之后长达十余年里都未曾停下更新的脚步,可谓是一代经典。不过随着DATA EAST宣...

famous Japanese game business data East had in 1991 in FC platform, released a video game called "Zone Troopers", and is the novel, after long ten years have not stopped update steps, can be described as a classic. But with the EAST DATA mission...