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秀恩爱 蔡诗芸曝王阳明每天必做“浪漫小事”

Show affection to exposure of Wang Yangming's every day will do "romantic things"

2015-07-24 13:24:43来源: 广西新闻网

王阳明蔡诗芸 据台湾媒体报道,艺人蔡诗芸(Dizzy)和王阳明分手8年重燃爱火,从交往到订婚进展神速,被封为“最强闪光”,4月她接受男方求婚,计划年底在澳洲举办婚礼;男方曾笑说因为一句“想看鲸鲨...

Wang Yangming to, according to Taiwan media reports, artist to dizzy) and Wang Yangming's break up 8 years rekindle the fire, from associate to engagement has made rapid progress, dubbed "the strongest flash", April she accepts the man to marry him, planned for the end of the year in Australia wedding; the man was laughing because a sentence "to see the whale shark.