新关注 > 信息聚合 > 税收增加 奔驰印度全线车型涨价3%至5%

税收增加 奔驰印度全线车型涨价3%至5%

Mercedes-Benz India across the board tax increases car prices 3-5%

2016-03-05 03:36:36来源: 中国新闻网

据印度《经济时报》3月2日报道,奔驰当日在印度宣布,自3月15日起,该公司在印度销售的全部车型售价都将上涨3%到5%。 奔驰称,涨价的原因是2016年联盟预算中增加了基础设施税和奢侈品税、印度货...

According to India's "Economic Times" reported on March 2, the day of Mercedes-Benz India announced that from March 15, the company sold all the cars in India are price will rise 3% to 5%. Mercedes-Benz said that because of price increases in 2016 Union budget increased the tax and luxury tax infrastructure, India stock ...