新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本男星20年偷千件女高中生制服 称:为满足私欲

日本男星20年偷千件女高中生制服 称:为满足私欲

Japanese actor 20 years steal thousands of female high school uniforms said: to meet the desires

2016-06-09 07:44:12来源: 中国青年网

日本谐星高桥健一7日一审获判保释 据台湾媒体报道,45岁日本谐星高桥健一去年12月涉嫌潜入高中,偷窃女高中生制服遭警方逮捕,7日以200万日币(约12.26万元人民币)保释,步出警局时整个人明显瘦了一圈,神情憔悴的对着镜头4度鞠躬道歉,被问及为何做出偷窃行为,他仅说:“是我自己太蠢了...

Japanese comedian Takahashi Ken a 7 day trial has been sentenced to bail, according to Taiwan media reports, 45 year old Japanese comedian Takahashi Kenichi last year of 12 month allegedly sneaked into the high school, stealing female high school uniform arrested by the police, 7 to 200 million yen (about 12.26 million yuan) bail, step out of a police station when the people obviously thin a circle, haggard in front of the camera 4 degree bow apology, asked why make theft, he said only: "is my folly in the...