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又铁了!14中4三分7中0 猛龙核弹头1战回解放前

Iron again! Three points 14 4 7 0 the raptors nuclear warheads 1 fight back to before liberation

2016-05-18 21:21:35来源: 新浪

小钢炮又哑火了 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月18日,2015-16赛季东区决赛首战打响,多伦多猛龙客场对克利夫兰骑士。在第二轮2场发挥有所改观的凯尔-洛瑞,本场却被打回原型。全场,他14投4中,其中三分球7投0中,仅得8分4个篮板5次助攻,失误4次。猛龙也以84-115大败,总比分0-1...

The app and dumb fire Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on May 18, 2015-16 eastern conference finals opener, the Toronto raptors at the Cleveland cavaliers. In the second round two play to change kyle lowry, who has been back to the prototype. Game, he made 4 of 14, including 0 of seven three-point shots, only eight points and 4 rebounds and five assists, four times. The raptors to a 84-115 defeat, also total score 0 and 1...