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秋分节气 注重加减衣服应对温差

The autumnal equinox solar terms on addition and subtraction clothes with temperature

2015-09-22 10:02:10来源: 39健康网

分享到微信朋友圈 “扫一扫”分享 核心提示:9月23日,太阳到达黄经180度时,进入“秋分”节气。秋分是什么意思呢?一是按我国古代以立春、立夏、立秋、立冬为四季开始划分四季,秋分日居于秋季90天...

micro sharing circle of friends "sweep" sharing core tip: on September 23, the sun reaches yellow through 180 degrees, into the "autumnal equinox solar terms. The equinox is what meaning? One is according to ancient China to spring, summer, autumn, winter is the season start division seasons, in 90 days of autumn equinox...