新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米电视3首次曝光!尺寸好奇怪


Millet TV 3 first exposure! Size of strange

2015-07-06 22:43:41来源: TechWeb

有关小米电视3的传闻反复出来了好几次,但最终发布的几款新品都隶属于小米电视2,也不如和乐视之间的撕X更吸引人,那么,真正的第三代何时才会到来呢? 小米电视3首次曝光!尺寸好奇怪 在工信部无线电管理设备认证中心,今天意外地发现了一款“L48M3-AA”,来自北京小米电子产品有限公司,6...

millet related TV 3 rumors repeated it several times, but eventually released several new belong to millet TV 2, as well and music between tear X is more attractive, then real third generation when will come?? Millet TV 3 first exposure! Size is strange in the Ministry of industry and information management equipment certification center, today accidentally discovered a "L48M3-AA", from Beijing millet Electronics Co., Ltd., 6...