新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全民枪战双龙沙鹰怎么样 双龙沙鹰属性详解

全民枪战双龙沙鹰怎么样 双龙沙鹰属性详解

Universal gunfight Shaheen Shuanglong how Shuanglong Shaheen attributes explain

2015-11-28 13:34:03来源: 4399

全民枪战全新上架的双持手枪,双龙沙鹰是两把龙系的沙鹰组合而成的双持手枪,下面一起来了接下这把传奇手枪双龙沙鹰的详细属性吧。 蟒蛇左轮手枪的究极改装版,拥有绝佳的威力和优雅的仿古外形,千万战士绝境逢生2,杀出重围的最佳选择。 生化打击:无

universal gunfight new shelves of the pistol, Ssangyong Shaheen is Shaheen combination of two dragons and the pistol, following up the next Shuanglong Shaheen this legendary gun. The detailed attributes. The python revolver ultimate modified version, with great power and elegant antique appearance, thousands of soldiers life 2, deus ex best choice. Biochemical blow: no