新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无束缚的宁静魅影 索尼MDR-100ABN评测

无束缚的宁静魅影 索尼MDR-100ABN评测

No peace of phantom of the opera SONY abn evaluating MDR - 100

2016-05-26 22:58:23来源: IT168

【IT168 评测】去年索尼推出了第一代的有线h.ear on系列便携头戴式耳机,正式揭开了“Hi-Res耳机有高颜值”的序幕,亮丽多彩的配色、源于1R系列的可靠声音素质与更加流行化的调音再加上小鲜...

IT168 evaluating 】 【 last year, SONY launched the first generation of cable h.e ar on portable headset series, officially unveiled - "Hi Res headphones have a high level" in appearance, bright and colorful color, is the result of 1 r series and reliable voice quality and increasingly popular tune plus little fresh...

标签: 索尼