新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百战百胜王中王手机游戏《雪之刃》血战显英豪


Mobile phone game "Ever Victorious King snow blade" bloody explicit heroes

2015-01-26 14:30:42来源: 不凡游戏网

沧海横流,方显英雄本色;大浪淘沙,足见王者风流。在创新3D微操作动作手游《雪之刃》中,风云激荡不止,刀光剑影纵横,玩家将接受各种刺激惊险的挑战。只有真正的强者才能屹立世界之巅,让万众膜拜。 来自末...

The seas are in turmoil. mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore, which shows the true colour of a hero, Fang Xian; king of the romantic. Micro operation action Mobile Games "snow blade" in innovation of 3D, stirring more than, the glint and flash of cold steel aspect, game player will accept all kinds of stimulating the thrilling challenge. The only real strong can stand at the top of the world, let the peoples worship. From the end of...

标签: 游戏