新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新世界地产重回北京高端别墅市场


The new world property back to the high-end villa market in Beijing

2014-08-16 03:18:03来源: 中国新闻网

新世界在顺义于庄的独栋别墅项目丽樽,样板间将于下月开放。资料图片 在北京楼市,无论从成交量还是成交价格均走出“独立行情”的高端市场,下半年将会有更多房企抢滩。 在沉寂多年后,日前,新世界地产对外宣布,公司将会在北京中央别墅区打造独栋别墅产品,并计划于今年10月入市。 重回中央...

new world in Shunyi Zhuang villa project, bottles, the model will open next month. Photo information in Beijing property market, both turnover and prices are "out of the independent market" high-end market, the second half of the year will have more room to beach. In after years of silence, recently, the new world real estate announced, will create standing villa products in the Beijing Central Villa District, and this year plans to 10 where city. To return to the central...