新关注 > 信息聚合 > 利辛县汇通名城小区开发商失联 一百多购房户被套

利辛县汇通名城小区开发商失联 一百多购房户被套

Lixin Huitong city residential developers lost more than 100 households purchase quilt

2015-12-17 23:11:11来源: 大河网

核心提示: 利辛县的张女士2013年8月认购了建设中的利辛汇通名城小区一间30平方米门面房,约定今年8月交房,可最近发现小区售楼处已经人去楼空,开发商也联系不上。 汇通名城售楼部已经人去楼空。(图...

core tip: Ms. Zhang Lixin County in August 2013 for the construction of Lixin Huitong City District a 30 square metre room window, agreed in August this year submitted, but recently found the house floor has been left vacant, developers can not contact. Huitong City Sales Department has been deserted. (fig....