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携程改造艺龙拉开帷幕 梁建章重金收购意在守城

Ctrip transformation of art dragon opened the curtain, Liang Jianzhang heavily acquisition is intended to defenders

2015-07-15 17:03:35来源: 新浪

本报记者 林永华 “携程未来发展空间巨大,在未来几年将成为中国成长最快的电子商务公司,超过京东、天猫、淘宝只是时间问题。”携程创始人梁建章在年初携程十五周年庆典上对携程的未来发展掷出了豪言壮语。...

Reporter Lin Yonghua "Ctrip future development space enormous, in the next few years will become China's fastest growing e-commerce company, more than Jingdong, lynx, Taobao is only a matter of time." Ctrip Ctrip founder Liang Jianzhang at the beginning of the fifteen anniversary celebration of the future development of a Ctrip the heroic utterance. ...