新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北籍海外学子心系“中国节” 传统节日显珍贵

河北籍海外学子心系“中国节” 传统节日显珍贵

Hebei Ji overseas students heart "China Festival" traditional festival precious

2015-03-05 17:42:47来源: 新华报业网

图为中国学子在国外的欢聚。孙培轩摄 图为中国学子在国外的欢聚。荀婧摄 中新网石家庄3月5日电(李洋姜力郢)“平时在家都是妈妈给我煮元宵,到了晚上全家会聚在一起看元宵晚会。”身在美国的河北姑娘...

diagram for China students abroad together. Sun Peixuan perturbation map for China students abroad together. Xun Jing new network perturbation in the Shijiazhuang on 5 March, (Li Yangjiang Li Ying) "usually at home is my mother gave me a boiled dumpling, at night the family gathered in the see the party together." In the United States of Hebei girl...