新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大四女生身患重症坚强面对 怕父母担心隐瞒病情7年

大四女生身患重症坚强面对 怕父母担心隐瞒病情7年

Big four girl suffering from severe enough to face fear their parents worry about the hiding of the disease for seven years

2015-02-12 12:13:04来源: 中国新闻网

面对病魔,林华英很坚强 海口市西秀镇23岁的大四女生林华英,2011年考入了湖南南华大学国际贸易金融专业,2008年的时候查出患有系统性红斑狼疮。她不想让父母担心,隐瞒父母整整六年,选择了一个人坚强面对…… 身患重症,隐瞒父母7年 23岁的林华英出生于一个普通的农村家庭,家里五...

face the disease, Lin Hua Ying is very strong in Haikou City Xixiu town 23 year old female Hua Ying Lin, 2011 admitted to the Hunan Nanhua University of international trade and finance professional, 2008 when check out patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). She does not want to let parents worry about, hide their parents for a full six years, chose a strong face...... Suffering from severe, hide the parents 23 years 7 years old Lin Huaying was born in a common rural family, home five...