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钟情Android Wear:国内可穿戴厂商的野望

Love Android wear: domestic apparel manufacturers wildness

2015-08-31 17:31:00来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/alter 随着柏林IFA贸易展的临近,传闻搭载Android Wear的智能手表将迎来爆发,其中国内手机厂商的几款可穿戴...

welcome attention to "create antiquities" micro channel subscription number: the sinachuangshiji /alter with Berlin IFA Trade Fair is approaching, the rumor is equipped with Android wear smart watch will usher in the outbreak, which a few of the domestic mobile phone manufacturers wearable.

标签: Android