新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【健康·生活】睡前喝酒破坏睡眠


[health] life nightcap disrupt sleep

2015-01-27 07:29:01来源: 甘肃日报

晚上来杯葡萄酒也许能帮助你入睡,但酒精会扰乱睡眠,导致睡眠质量下降。美国密苏里大学医学院医生组成的研究小组用5年多的时间研究了酒精对睡眠的影响。 研究人员发现,酒精会改变睡眠内稳态机制,令人感到...

evening cup Wine may help you fall asleep, but alcohol can disrupt sleep, leading to decreased quality of sleep. Effects of alcohol on sleep research team doctor America at University of Missouri School of medicine for more than 5 years of time. The researchers found that, alcohol will change the steady state mechanism of sleep, feel...