新关注 > 信息聚合 > 济南侵华日军细菌部队原驻地成筒子楼


Jinan bacterial invasion of the Japanese forces of former resident no Tongzilou

2015-05-14 07:37:54来源: 大众网

长长的走廊没有一点光 洗刷间是孩子戏水感受快乐生活的地方 楼外悬挂着文物保护的牌子 走廊也是家的一部分 连日来,网上一则“济南侵华日军细菌部队原驻地成筒子楼”新闻引起众多市民的关注,...

long corridor wash a little light is children swimming feel happy life of local building outside hanging brand corridor of the protection of cultural relics in the home is a part of the past few days, online a "Jinan bacterial invasion of the Japanese forces of former resident into Tongzilou" news has attracted the attention of many people,...