新关注 > 信息聚合 > AC米兰曝PK切尔西抢孔蒂!趁乱把人带到圣西罗


AC milan had PK Chelsea rob conti! Take advantage of the disorder to the people to the SAN siro

2016-03-30 05:47:17来源: 新浪

AC米兰加入孔蒂争夺战 新浪体育讯 孔蒂已经宣布将会在今夏欧洲杯后离开国家队主教练的职位,虽然各路媒体都声称他的下一站是切尔西,但此事还没有定论,据最新消息,AC米兰也加入到了孔蒂的争夺中。 46岁的孔蒂是现任意大利国家队的主帅,而2016法国欧洲杯将是他带领蓝衣军团参加的最后一...

AC milan to join battle for conte Dispatch of sina sports Conti has announced that will leave after this summer's European championship coach position, although the media have claimed that his next stop is Chelsea, but it has not yet been determined, according to the latest news, AC milan joined the battle of conti. Conte is 46, the Italian national team coach, and France's euro 2016 will is he led the azzurri in the final...