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凯迪拉克XT5官图发布 有望11月正式亮相

Cadillac xt5 official map publishing is expected to November officially unveiled

2015-10-07 09:58:19来源: 爱卡汽车网

日前,凯迪拉克正式发布了全新SUV车型XT5的官图。据了解,XT5推出后将替代现款SRX,基于通用的C1XX平台打造。新车将于11月的迪拜车展发布,并于明年率先海外上市。 凯迪拉克XT5将基于通用...

recently, Cadillac officially released the new SUV models xt5 official map. It is understood, XT5 will be introduced to replace the current SRX, general C1XX based platform to build. The new car will be released at the Dubai motor show in November, and will be the first overseas listing next year. Cadillac XT5 will be based on general...