新关注 > 信息聚合 > 已故中国佛教泰斗舍利永久供奉随州大慈恩寺(图)


Late Chinese eminent Buddhist relics permanently enshrined Suizhou Da Ci'en Temple (Figure)

2015-09-22 10:59:18来源: 荆楚网

楚天快报讯 19日,本焕长老舍利永久供奉随州大洪山大慈恩寺,同期举行大型梵呗音乐会《千古禅灯》、水陆法会等系列盛大祈福活动。西游记公园景区作为迎接已故中国佛教泰斗、中佛协荣誉会长本焕长老舍利的第一站...

metropolis Express News 19, the elders of relic permanently enshrined Suizhou Hongshan Da Ci'en Temple, held in the same period, large Buddhist concert "eternal Zen lamp", land law and other series of grand blessing. The journey to the West Park Scenic Area as the first station to meet the late China Buddhist Association honorary president, Dean of the Buddhist elders Hwan relic...