新关注 > 信息聚合 > 老尼尔森:库里是最欣赏球员 09年愿用状元签选他

老尼尔森:库里是最欣赏球员 09年愿用状元签选他

Old Nelson: curry is the most appreciated players 09 years would pick him

2015-03-27 11:41:47来源: 网易

前勇士主帅老尼尔森在接受采访时对库里大加赞赏。2009年勇士在第7顺位选中库里,幕后推手正是老尼尔森,这位名帅甚至称愿意用状元签去选库里。 网易体育3月27日报道: 曾经两次担任勇士主帅的唐-尼尔森已经74岁了,但他依然密切关注着勇士的近况。日前在接受采访时,他透露当初库里参加选秀时...

warriors coach Nelson in an interview for the curry praised by scholar. In 2009 the warrior picks selected curry in seventh, behind it is the old Nelson, the coach even says willing to used that pick to select library. NetEase sports reported on March 27th: once the two time as the warriors coach Don Nelson was 74 years old, but he still pay close attention to the status of a warrior. Recently in an interview, he revealed the original curry in the draft...