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唐金揭女子格斗痛苦:最怕遇上生理期 脸不想被打花

Promoter revealed women's fighting pain: the most afraid of a physiological period Face don't want to be playing

2016-05-21 19:40:01来源: 新浪

唐金 当你在训练场上看到唐金,你会对女孩有全新的认知,坚毅、执着、投入、不服输,这些形容词都深深刻在她的每一次挥拳和踢腿中。没有了擂台上的凶悍和霸气,唐金几乎每次出动作都在暗暗咬牙,每天长达5小时的训练足以将人逼到绝境,但这是获胜的唯一方法。“赢的秘诀就是把每一次训练都当做和对手的比...

promoter When you see promoter in the training ground, you can the girl has a new cognition, determination, perseverance, dedication, relentlessness, these adjectives are deeply engraved on her every time the fist and kick in. Without the ring are aggressive and domineering, promoter almost every time the movements are secretly grind teeth, five hours a day training is enough to push people to the wall, but this is the only way to win. "Win the secret is to make every training and opponent than...