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学费三年48万 让人浮想联翩的“天价高中”(图)

Tuition for three years 480,000 appeals to the imagination "astronomical High School" (Figure)

2016-07-14 08:24:44来源: 中国经济网

无锡市民办学校运河实验中学今年开出了“天价学费”,高中最高学费标准三年48万元,其中含赞助费16万元,大大超过物价部门核准的收费标准。(7月13日《现代快报》) 这所学校的违规之处可谓多多。一者...

Wuxi City private schools Canal Experimental High School this year, out of the "astronomical fees", the highest tuition fees in high school three years of 480,000 yuan, 160,000 yuan of which including sponsorship, much higher than the fees approved by the price department. (July 13, "Modern Express") irregularities of the school can be described as a lot. One ...