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黄多多成长图片首次曝光 卷发造型酷似胖轩(图)

A lot of yellow growth picture for the first time exposure hair styling resembles Pang Xuan (Figure)

2015-09-26 17:57:02来源: 中国青年网

9月25日,网上曝光了一组黄磊的大女儿多多的成长影像图片,图片记录了多多从躺在妈妈怀中的婴儿到俏皮少女的成长过程,其中几张卷发造型配上肉嘟嘟的小脸,和《爸爸3》中的轩轩竟然有几分相似,十分可爱。 据悉该组图片来自黄磊纪念与孙莉相爱20年的纪录片《我们相爱时·20年》,该纪录片中曝光了...

9 month 25, online exposure of the daughter of a group of Huang Lei, a lot of growth images and pictures recorded a lot of from lying in his mother's arms baby to the playful girl growing up, which a few pieces of hair styling with meat toot face, and the father 3 "Xuan Xuan unexpectedly have somewhat similar, very cute. It is reported that the group of pictures from the Huang Lei Memorial and Sun Li love 20 years of documentary film "we love each other", the documentary exposure...