新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特招入伍海归博士刘煜:31岁晋升副教授


Dr. Liu Yu: specially recruited into the army at the age of 31 was promoted to associate professor

2015-07-28 09:11:58来源: 中国青年网

刘煜近影。 彭杨 摄 强军心语 “能把自己的人生梦融入中国梦强军梦,在强军事业中实现自己的人生价值,我觉得自己很幸福!” 穿上军装不到4年,国防科学技术大学信息系统与管理学院的海归博士刘煜就双喜临门:去年,年仅31岁的他被任命为教研室主任,晋升为副教授。回顾自己的成长经历,他感...

Carla Liu Yu. Yang Peng photo Xinyu strong army "to the dream of his own life into the dream of the Chinese dream of a strong army. In the army career realize their value of life, I feel myself very happy!" Wearing the uniform of less than 4 years, the College of information system and management, national defense science and Technology University of the returnees, Dr. Liu Yu Rimmon: last year, only 31 years old, he was appointed director of the Department of, promoted to the rank of associate professor. Review their own growth experience, his sense of...