新关注 > 信息聚合 > GEM晶百汇入驻台湾 新光三越新天地旗舰店开业(图)

GEM晶百汇入驻台湾 新光三越新天地旗舰店开业(图)

Gem crystal Parkway settled in Taiwan Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xintiandi flagship store opening (Figure)

2015-09-30 10:01:50来源: 大河网

GEM晶百汇经过努力于公元2015年9月1日正式进入台湾,这将是GEM与新光三越一次荣耀性的牵手。 GEM团队在进行深入考察与调研后最终决定与新光三越连手,GEM晶百汇品牌正式进驻台南新光三越新...

GEM crystal Parkway through the efforts in AD 2015 September 1 officially entered the Taiwan, it will be the gem and Shin Kong Mitsukoshi a glory of the hand. Gem team after in-depth investigation of final decision and Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in hand, Parkway gem Jing brands officially stationed in Tainan Shin Kong Mitsukoshi new...