新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星战风暴》删档付费测试 让你玩成有钱人

《星战风暴》删档付费测试 让你玩成有钱人

Star Wars Storm "delete files pay test allows you to play the rich

2015-10-01 01:10:52来源: 不凡游戏网

全民热血机甲手游《星战风暴》已于本月25日开启删档付费测试,邀您一起参与生死一念间的未来之战。 在《星战风暴》的本次测试中,有很多玩家感到困惑,到底如何在游戏中快速获得金币呢?现在我们就来为大家解...

national blood mecha tour Star Wars Storm" has been on the 25th of this month open delete files pay test, invite you join a momentary slip of the battle for the future of life and death. In the Star Wars Storm "of the test, a lot of players feel confused, how in the game quickly get gold? And now we come to you...