新关注 > 信息聚合 > 11家空调企业再掀价格战 两会热议制造业升级

11家空调企业再掀价格战 两会热议制造业升级

11 home air conditioning enterprises another price war NPC and CPPCC heat upgrading of the manufacturing industry

2015-03-05 04:42:10来源: 金融界

支持和振兴中国制造业,是今年两会许多代表委员的重点关注议题。不过在两会之前,羊年春节国人奔赴日本抢马桶圈的新闻让“中国制造”着实尴尬了一把,有报道称,甚至有人运了一小型集装箱的日本家电回来。 当...

support and revitalize China manufacturing industry, is to focus on the theme for this year's NPC and CPPCC many on behalf of members. But in the NPC and CPPCC before Spring Festival, the year of the sheep to rob Chinese Japanese toilet ring of news that "Chinese manufacturing" really embarrassing a, reports, there is even a small container of the Japanese home appliance back. When...