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英格兰难逃开局不胜魔咒 平局成球迷混战导火索

England could not escape the curse into melee victorious start to draw fans.

2016-06-13 11:23:06来源: 中国新闻网

昨天凌晨,2016欧洲杯B组首轮在韦洛德罗姆球场开始第2场较量,别列祖茨基在伤停补时的头球,使得英格兰无奈以1比1战平俄罗斯,延续着欧洲杯历史上开局不胜的魔咒。 然而比赛虽然结束了,这事儿还不算完,赛后双方球迷发生了大规模冲突,导致,法国警方不得不动用催泪瓦斯和水枪将双方球迷驱散。 ...

Yesterday morning, the 2016 European Cup group B first round stadium in Weiluode Roma started the second contest, berezutski in stoppage time header, the England helpless in the ratio of 1 to 1 draw with Russia, a continuation of the history of the European Cup start winless spell. Race, however, although the end of the, this is not the end of it, after the game, fans of both occurred large-scale conflict resulted French police had to use tear gas and water cannons to disperse the fans from both sides. ...