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新游手柄销量破100万 公布全新NEWGAME+战略

XinYou handle sales break 1 million released new NEWGAME + strategy

2016-08-04 13:36:48来源: 天极网

8月1日,新游互联正式对外公布,新游互联旗下新游手柄系列产品销量已经突破100万台,在智能硬件和游戏圈,都取得了一个不错的成绩。 在今年3月的GMGC第五届全球移动游戏大会上,新游互联曾透露20...

August 1, the Internet XinYou officially announced, XinYou interconnected by XinYou handle series of products sold more than 1 million units, in the smart hardware and circle game, has achieved a good result. In march this year GMGC the fifth global mobile games convention, XinYou interconnection has revealed that 20...