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预期更多货币刺激政策 黄金反弹

More monetary stimulus is expected to rebound in gold

2016-07-14 00:09:50来源: 新浪

FX168财经报社(香港)讯 现货黄金周三(7月13日)从两周低位反弹,美市盘中最高下探至1345.20美元/盎司,由于预期进一步的宽松政策,美元走平。宽松的货币政策对黄金和股市都有利,低利率鼓励投...

Fx168 financial newspaper (Hong Kong) news spot gold on Wednesday (July 13) rebounded from a two - week low, the city, the United States highest intraday dropping to $1345.20 / ounce, due to expectations of a further easing of policy, the dollar go flat. Loose monetary policy on gold and the stock market are favorable, low interest rates to encourage investment...