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逗妹吐槽:里约大冒险来了 詹皇披萨店里蹭wifi

Funny Tucao sister: Rio Adventure came James Wong pizza shop rub wifi

2016-07-30 16:17:39来源: 新浪

詹皇:WiFi密码是什么? 新浪体育讯 大家好!周六啦!你们都过得怎么样?今天北京的天气有点不太好,估计会下大雨。在北京的小伙伴出去玩一定要注意安全啊~好啦,快来看看今天的逗妹吐槽吧! 如果大...

James Wong: What WiFi password? AP Hello everyone! Saturday it! How are you all? Today, Beijing's weather is not too good, heavy rain is expected. Junior partner in Beijing, go out and play must pay attention to safety ah ~ Well, take a look at today's funny sister Tucao it! If the big ...