新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏叶薇参加《英雄联盟》比赛 外形酷似泷泽萝拉

苏叶薇参加《英雄联盟》比赛 外形酷似泷泽萝拉

Su Yewei joined the League of legends, the game appearance resembles Takizawa Lola

2015-09-25 19:31:32来源: 新浪

苏叶薇是个热爱游戏的女孩子,她最喜欢的游戏是《英雄联盟》这种竞技性强的游戏,每天都花费很多时间在游戏上,最多一次居然一天中有10个小时都坐在电脑前,也曾经受到过父母家人的反对。 “以前上学的时候...

perilla leaf Wei is a love of the game's girl, her favorite game is "hero alliance" the sport of game, every day to spend a lot of time in the game, at most once actually one day have 10 hours sitting in front of the computer, also have been against parents and family. "Before going to school...

标签: 英雄联盟