新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日收盘:万科A横盘震荡 沪指放量微跌0.01%

今日收盘:万科A横盘震荡 沪指放量微跌0.01%

Today closed: Vanke A sideways stock index edged down 0.01% heavy volume

2016-07-07 23:34:11来源: 财新网

财新网7月7日电:有色金属领涨,沪指收报3016.85点,跌幅0.01%。 周四(7月7日)沪深两市小幅低开后,弱势震荡,早盘沪指在3000点上方震荡,一度短暂跳水。午后在钢铁、化工、银行等权重股带动下,沪指出现小幅拉升,跌幅收窄。受万科A下跌影响,房地产股表现低迷,国防军工、计算机...

Caixin July 7 Power: non-ferrous metals led the stock index closed at 3016.85 points, down 0.01%. Thursday (July 7) in Shanghai and Shenzhen opened slightly lower after, weak shocks, stock index in early trading above the 3000 shock, was short diving. Afternoon in the steel, chemical, banking heavyweight driven stock index move up slightly, the decline narrowed. Vanke A by the fall in real estate stocks in the doldrums, the defense industry, computer ...