新关注 > 信息聚合 > 桂阳禁毒标语喊话房祖名:你爸讲他的脸让你丢尽了


Guiyang's anti drug slogan propaganda Jaycee Chan: your father tell his face make you lose all

2015-02-12 15:13:52来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() @-我叫项前进-:醉了!警察叔叔真调皮!@Hi都市报 [核实] 2月10日,市民项先生驾车经过郴州桂阳县城五云观路城领国际门口,看见路中央的护栏上挂着一条有趣的标语:“房祖名...

participate in interactive () @ - I call item forward -: drunk! The police really naughty! @Hi city newspaper [check] in February 10th, Mr. Wu Yun Chenzhou citizens a drive through Guiyang County City View Road leading international door, saw in the middle of the road guardrail hangs a interesting slogan: "Jaycee Chan...