新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无锡女子大学毕业被分配到河南 行医53年回乡

无锡女子大学毕业被分配到河南 行医53年回乡

Wuxi Women's University graduate was assigned 53 years to return home to practice medicine in Henan

2016-06-21 08:11:24来源: 人民网江苏视窗

众人相送钱惠茵 图片来自网络,请作者和报社联系领取稿费 一个老医生离岗返乡,近500人当地人为她送行,照片刷爆朋友圈。“南方姑娘,常回来看看”、“爱无锡,因为你”,曾经的同事、学生还有患者为她拉...

Yin Hui people with money to images from the network, please contact the author and the newspaper to receive royalties undergo a old doctor to return home, nearly 500 local people to see her off, Photo maxed circle of friends. "Southern girl, always come back," "Love Wuxi, because you", former colleagues and students as well as the patient for her to pull ...