新关注 > 信息聚合 > 群星文艺演出慰问环卫工人 郝亚青:特别有意义

群星文艺演出慰问环卫工人 郝亚青:特别有意义

Stars and cultural workers condolences to the sanitation workers Hao Yaqing: special significance

2016-04-30 03:17:43来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京4月29日电(记者 宋宇晟)今日,“我的兄弟姐妹”慰问西城环卫工人——暨京津冀三地文化交流专场演出在北京举行。 在“五一”国际劳动节前夕,北京市西城区上演了旨在慰问环卫工人的一场文艺演...

Beijing Beijing, April 29 Xinhua (reporter Song Yusheng) today, "my brothers and sisters" condolences to the sanitation workers Westlife -- three of Tianjin Cultural Exchange concert held in Beijing. In the "May Day" on the eve of the international labor day, Xicheng District, Beijing staged a show to show sympathy for the sanitation workers...