新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨幂七夕四川拜佛 与女友人同行未见刘恺威【图】

杨幂七夕四川拜佛 与女友人同行未见刘恺威【图】

Yang Mi Sichuan Tanabata worship and fellowship with his girlfriend no Hawick [Figure]

2016-08-11 20:50:11来源: 中国青年网

杨幂七夕四川拜佛 七夕节当天,杨幂被拍到和女友人挽臂现身机场,一路有说有笑相当轻松,未见刘恺威身影。当天晚上,博主“私服街拍”曝光了一组杨幂和友人们现身四川藏区礼佛的照片,身穿黑色连帽衫的她包裹...

Yang Mi Tanabata Tanabata Day worship Sichuan, Yang Mi and his girlfriend who was photographed arm in arm coming out the airport, talking and laughing all the way quite easily, no Hawick figure. In the evening, the bloggers "Sifu street beat" exposed a group of Friends of Yang Mi and people coming out of Sichuan Tibetan Buddha photo, wearing a black hoodie, she wrapped ...