新关注 > 信息聚合 > 紧急加座!零距离仰望莎拉布莱曼女神风采(图)


Emergency pedestal! Zero distance look Sarah brightman goddess presence (FIG.)

2016-08-02 14:41:45来源: 新浪黑龙江

莎拉·布莱曼独唱音乐会 倒计时2天 连日来,冰城的气温节节攀升。但再强势的热浪也比不过粉丝们的热情,如果你发现售票大厅的电话打不通,那是有人在为了女神的门票在与销售专员死磕。演唱会在即,我们的准...

Sarah brightman solo concert The countdown 2 days for days, the temperature rising of city. But again the strong heat than but also the enthusiasm of the fans, if you find the ticket hall telephone couldn't get through, it was someone in the tickets to the goddess with sales commissioner screwing. Concert, we must...