新关注 > 信息聚合 > 52.8%的受访者发现近两年返乡就业年轻人增多


52.8% of respondents found that an increase in employment of young people to return home nearly two years

2016-08-16 18:10:51来源: 中工网

54.8%受访者认为返乡年轻人面临的最大困难是老家就业机会少 漫画:赵国品 据新华社报道,北京出现核心区人口减少,上海出现人口负增长,广州出现人口增速阶段性放缓。无论是主动还是被动,越来越多年...

54.8% of respondents think that the biggest problem faced by young people returning home jobs is less comic: Zhao product, according to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing appears to reduce the core area population, Shanghai negative population growth, population growth appears Guangzhou staged a slowdown. Whether active or passive, more years ...