新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京媒:伤病恐影响奥古发挥 中国足球太急功近利

京媒:伤病恐影响奥古发挥 中国足球太急功近利

Beijing media: Chinese awgu play football injury affected too utilitarian

2016-02-01 22:19:55来源: 新浪

留洋小将徐新加盟广州恒大 新浪体育讯 新浪体育讯 北京时间2月1日,BTV体育台《足球100分》节目中,前国安球员南方、北京体育广播名嘴王异和足球评论员朱煜明担任嘉宾,和主持人魏翊东一起对北京国...

Teenager Xu Liuyang joined Guangzhou Evergrande of sina sports dispatch of sina sports news Beijing time on February 1, BTV sports "football for 100 minutes" program, former national security players in the south, Beijing Sports Radio Oprah et al and football commentator Yuming Zhu as a guest, and Wei Yidongyi host of of Beijing country...