新关注 > 信息聚合 > EXO出道前照片曝光 吴亦凡龅牙SUHO大脸小眼

EXO出道前照片曝光 吴亦凡龅牙SUHO大脸小眼

EXO debut before the photo exposure Wu Yifan buck teeth SUHO big face slim

2014-09-11 17:32:54来源: 荆楚网

D.O 日前,有网友在微博大曝韩国超人气男团EXO儿时真容,称“出道前土的错落有致,牛鬼蛇神各不同;出道后妖得千篇一律,只缘都在EXO中”,引发热转。号称全员12人各个都是“门面”的EXO,竟有...

D.O recently, the netizen is in micro-blog Dabao Han Guochao popularity Nantuan EXO childhood face, called "before the debut of soil well-proportioned, the monsters and freaks of all descriptions of each different; after the debut demon may follow the same pattern, only edge in EXO", cause heat transfer. The so-called full 12 people each is "appearance" of the EXO, have...