新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超全自制“土零食”,健康快捷又美味!


Over the whole of homemade "soil fast and delicious, healthy snacks"!

2015-03-13 14:45:02来源: 青岛网络电视台

奶香薯条 原料:红薯1块,黄油20克,白糖少许 【功效剖析】 红薯味甘,性平;有还能补中和血、益气生津、宽肠胃、通便秘之功效,使人“长寿少疾”。吃红薯不仅不会发胖,相反能够减肥、健美、防...

milk raw sweet potato fries: 1 pieces, 20 grams of butter, sugar a little [] efficacy analysis of sweet potato sweet, flat; it can fill and blood, Qi Sheng Jin, wide stomach, laxative effect, make the person "less disease and longevity". To eat sweet potato is not fat, in contrast to lose weight, fitness, prevention...